i’m Chloe but many people know me more by my online alias’ Nyan/Nya or Lumi, i’m a struggling school graduate trying to figure out college. i’m currently in the process of writing a book too!
i’ve been a writer as a hobby now for about 4 years, so since i was 12, i don’t really post what i write until recently over on wattpad(tagged below). my dream is to be published one day, though that is a very strong dream i believe in myself!
i have many interests including anime, reading, games(PS4, Switch, PC), languages(i’m currently relearning spanish) music, movies and writing.
Y’all really reminded me how great it is to have friends online. The amount of support and love that comes from this wholesome bunch is unbelievable i love you all so much even when the chat is chaotic af.
You are one of the funniest and sweetest people i know, you always put a smile on my face even when you insult me.
Every time i look at you or talk to you i realise how far you’ve come and it’s literally like watching my child grow up, you’ve gotten a lot stronger i can tell and i’m so proud of you for getting through all the tough shit in the past year or so.
Whenever i’m sad or having a rough day i can always count on you to be there and make some type of daddy joke to put a smile on my face. ilysm♡
To Liv
My cinema buddy, my tea buddy. Ranting to talking about how cute Tom Holland is, it doesn’t matter what we talk about you always make me smile.
You’ve given me advice when i needed it the most, you’ve brightened most of my days and i’m so thankful for that.
You may be one of the most sensitive people i’ve ever met but that makes you 10x better because that makes you, you. and i love you how you are ♡
To Katie
It’s been a rough four years huh, we fell off a couple years ago due to me and i’m so glad we started talking again, you stayed with me through the hardest time of my life and i will forever be grateful to you for that.
you’ve been with me through my dentist tantrums, buying a hamster without permission basically my whole teenage life.
we haven’t hung out in a while but you’re still one of my best friends no matter what, i’m with you through everything. stay strong ilysm♡
To Ebony
My uwu child and secret sister. You’re such a cute human who stands by me no matter what.
We’ve had our slight issues but we never let it affect us. You basically live at my house and i live at yours, our sleepovers are the best tbh.
you’re such a caring person who deserves a lot you’re always there to talk to when i need it and i’m so thankful, ilysm smol cabbage patch kid ♡
To Ann
707’s secret wife. You are one of the funniest people i’ve ever met, you never fail to make a bad pun that makes me cry from laughter.
Thank you so much for bringing us all together i’ll forever be grateful to be apart of such a fun ass group.
be confident with yourself and your work as you’re so beautiful and talented and if anyone doesn’t like you for you i will 100% fight them for you.ilysm♡
To Aly
Our newest member but loved all the same. So sweet i die, seriously help me sjksjsk. You’re always interested in what i talk about and i love our chats about literally anything from musicals to schooling.
i hope you get all the love and happiness in the world because you deserve it, keep being you ilsym♡
To Arkie
Add’s wife. Elsword is still on my list to try out, we gotta play it sometime! good luck with your exam results you deserve all A’s with the amount of effort you put in.
I also recently saw you’re a band lover, i’m always up for new music so send me some of your favourites!
Your art is so amazing and you’re so talented, never tell yourself you’re not. ilysm♡
To Simmy
The sweetest bean i’ve ever met. I swear you’re an uwu in disguise, your extensive collection of heart memes never fails to surprise.
You spread nothing but love and support which you also deserve too.
You’re such a beautiful human inside and out, ilysm♡
To Hana
A true workaholic, please take a break b your health is more important than grades.
You never fail to join the chatroom whenever Jumin or daddy is mentioned, afterwards the chat becomes 10x more chaotic but i love it.
We haven’t talked much(which we totally should btw) but i can tell that you’re such a great human. Carry on being you and love yourself for who you are or i’ll do it for you♡
In-Depth Health
This is only here for those that are interested in what i could have possibly had wrong with me so if you don’t care then press the back arrow.
A couple months after my 12th birthday i had one of the biggest scares of my life, i was in bed one night and discovered an abnormal lump in my knee. being who i am i decided i’d leave it until morning and then go tell my parents first thing.
After persuading my mum that something was actually there, she felt it too and instantly got me an emergency appointment at the ER.
I had multiple doctors check my knee but none of them knew what it was which was scary in itself. I was sent for an xray to see if it would help identify it and within a couple days it was confirmed as an Osteochondroma.
An Osteochondroma is a tumor that grows on joints, it has a chance of being cancerous which i was very afraid of. I was sent for an mri asap and luckily it wasn’t cancerous at that stage.
A couple months later i was in a city a couple hours away to get it removed, i really didn’t want to because 1 i hate hospitals and 2 my anxiety was through the roof.
before going in i had a huge panic attack which actually resulted with me leaving the hospital and not getting the operation done.
A couple years later right before my 16th birthday i decided enough was enough and decided to finally get it removed, after 8 blood tests to check for blood clotting i was finally put in for an operation date, December 10th 2018. and this time i went through with it.
Now in 2019 i count myself as lucky as that osteochondroma coulda gotten cancerous at any point in the past few years.
Present day i am struggling with migraines and am about to ask for an mri date, lets hope nothing bad is going on.
I’ve had other things happen with my health but this is the major one that i felt was worth mentioning.